Sunday, 12 January 2014

SAP BW Audit


About Me Topics
This is Rahul Bindroo
SAP Netweaver Certified Professional 
and Certified Project Management Professional.
  1. Day 1 : Overview
  2. Day 2 :SAP SD Overview
  3. Day 3: Basic Settings
  4. Day4 : Advanced Basic Settings

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Day 7: How to install datasources

Hi ,

About Me Topics
This is Rahul Bindroo
SAP Netweaver Certified Professional 
and Certified Project Management Professional.
  1. Day 1 : Overview
  2. Day 2 :SAP SD Overview
  3. Day 3: Basic Settings
  4. Day4 : Advanced Basic Settings

I welcome you to 7th day of my blog....

Alright Guys I am sorry for being so late in writing this page...!

Lets first try a approach where we are using the datasources which are delivered by SAP as part of SAP Content.

There are few important steps we should keep in mind while starting the developments:-
A.      IN ECC source system
a.       Login SAP ECC source system
b.      Activate the datasources from dormant to activate state
c.       Generate datasources and their extraction programs in case of logistics transaction data sources

Lets take them once by one :-
1.       Login SAP ECC source system: You should have valid authorisation in SAP ECC system with access to work in tcodes, SBIW,RSA5,RSA6,RSA3 etc.
2.       Activate the datasources from dormant to activate state:-
a.       Tcode RSA5àfind the datasources (lets say we are working 2LIS_11_VAHDR SD Sales: Document Header) in the hiearachy. Keep your cursor on the datasource and click at activate datasource.
b.      RSA6à Check in the hieararchy whether new datasource(2LIS_11_VAHDR) is visible.If yes then go ahead with next step.
3.       Generate datasources and their extraction programs in case of logistics transaction data sources

a.       Tcode LBWEàGenerate extraction structure and  extraction program and select job control as direct update. I will talk about the job controls later but at this moment use it as direct update. Guys this place helps us to select fields for our datasources, generate extracton program and secondly whether we want something for selection field or hidden field.
b.      Now you are through with the creation of structure and tables infact a table is generated which is called as set up table.
c.       Lets take data loading activity later at this moment lets have the data flow in place.

Alright guys now login SAP BI system we need to do the following activities:-

B.      IN BI system
a.       Login SAP ECC source system
b.      Replicate datasources
c.       Generate datasources and their extraction programs in case of logistics transaction data sources

Lets talk about them tomorrow...

Your Rahul

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Day 6: SAP BI Content for SAP BI SD

Hi ,

This is Rahul Bindroo
SAP Netweaver Certified Professional 
and Certified Project Management Professional.

I welcome you to 6 th day of this training  before you start reading this page i request you to go through the earlier 5 days of training .

Now lets see what is first available in terms of cubes, ideally when we check we should check the roles which are available in SAP BI content for Sales

we have sales overview cube for sales 0sd_c03. This has data sources which bring data from sales,billing and delivery to give the final picture of sales.     

 2LIS_11_VAHDR SD Sales: Document Header
 2LIS_11_VAITM Sales Document Item Data
2LIS_13_VDHDR Billing Document-Header Data
2LIS_12_VCHDR delivery header
2LIS_12_VCITM  delivery item data


DataStore Object (technical name)

0SD_C05 Offers/Orders)

Monday, 7 May 2012

Day 5: SAP BI Content for SD Sales And Distribution

Hi ,

This is Rahul Bindroo
SAP Netweaver Certified Professional 
and Certified Project Management Professional.

I welcome you to 5th day of this training

Before i talk about what is available in SAP BI content,i would like to share with you some functional part of Sales and Distribution. I request you to first go through the Day 2 lesson. Then I would also request you to through what is Business content in my blog.

To make things easy ,  i would like to classify the SD module in three major areas.

  1. Sales 
  2. Distribution and
  3. Transportation
Lets understand Sales first

Sales:-This focuses on Quotation/orders , delivery , invoice and returns their quantities,values and numbers.

The focus for this area is fulfillment rate,delivery performance to customer requested date,delivery performance to Scheduled commitment date,number of orders items quantities not delivered . Backlogs for customer , material and time frame is also a focus for this area.A delivery note indicates that goods have been shipped. A delivery note is sometimes referred to as a packing slip.

For business this area is also important from analytical point of view to see vehicle utilisation,loading time, transporation time, delays and costs.

Hey friends , i am sure you are not finding it very clear.. Don't worry I am coming  back tomorrow with an example . Now i need to sleep now. Will have to for a trekking in morning...Till then enjoy your time.

Hi Welcome back..lets take one by one using an example:-

Lets say you own a IT company XYZ and you want 60 laptops , you are calling the vendor to buy these laptops from them.

  1.  XYZ-->globalbsc : Please let us know the prices at what you can deliver 60 laptops
  2. globalbsc--> XYZ:  Sends a document which is called Quotation
  3.  XYZ-->globalbsc :We agree to the prices at which you are selling and they confirm .
  4. globalbsc  : Creates a document which is called sales order The sales order is an important document - it tells everyone to get busy filling that order. As such, this document is important for planning production, creating purchase orders, and scheduling resources.

All the above steps cover the Sales .

Sunday, 29 April 2012


Hi ,

Welcome to this video blog edition of HANA by Rahul Bindroo.
I have tried to put the basic concept in place without making it too technical to understand the appliance .

Thank you once again for visiting this blog.

Rahul Bindroo